Saturday, January 21, 2012

Dinner Date

I'm on a dinner date roll with the ManFriend. Friday night normally we take FOREVER to figure out what/ where to eat. We stepped outta the norm and into a place that we have never been too. SHOCKING surprisingly because I swear we have been to almost every restaurant in town. Ok maybe just most fancy sit down places in town, AnyWho we ended up going to Altamirano's. It was bigger then I thought. We sat in the back. I was in the mood for an alcoholic beverage and settled for a glass of Chardonnay. We got a free side of Guac (Guacamole that is ) devoured the chips as always. I ended up getting the alambres & ManFriend got I believe a shrimp Fajita. The food was Yummie and the Glass of wine was BIG. It was nice to go somewhere I had never Bin.

Salsa looked Deadly

My BIG $3 Glass of Wine

Oh and I got the Flan which was the bomb! It had coconut milk in it
The Bomb

*note I am in a food coma as write this.


  1. I'm droolin' over here! The food looks amazing! What a great date :)

    1. I think I have been a food coma for three days! Yes it was amazing!

  2. I still can't get myself to like flan. haha.


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